getting down to editioning the book for The Sunderland Book Project - the starting point for the book is an extract of a text from St Bede, it’s become an edition of 10 with folding and digital printing alongside handwriting that combines the idea of the scribe, the next stage after life and the labyrinth of thinking involved in understanding. meanwhile NUCA has seen me working on the MA design course running a session on PechaKucha – a wonderful, yet intense presentation tool where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. the images forward automatically and you talk along to the images - something that gets rid of waffle and down to the facts – a format that might be good to adopt for the BA students, the rest of the teaching has been a mixture of individual tutorials, briefings and support for both the wallpaper society and the final show. its rare that i get disturbed by images but i came across a book titled the perfect medium – photography and the occult, the chapter on ectoplasm – where cloth is used to illustrate the spirit is obviously not true but the photographs very existence, the paucity of the imagery and the belief in them combines to make an oddness.