Wednesday 3 January 2024


A time of sorting and ending – attempting to clear out studios and make way. Images of a past that seems a long time ago have resurfaced. And onto the future - slowly enjoying the cache of book presents – The hidden world of everyday design is the book of the great podcast. Atlas of improbable places is such a fascinating book, I’ve been to a couple of the places, but it would provide a fascinating list of destinations. London’s secret tubes makes you want to go one of the underground tube tours.12 Bytes by Jeanette Winterson is a thought-provoking collection of thoughts collected and organised in such a beautifully clever way – excellent. Onto screens – Family Plan – basically it was Nobody lite. Dream Scenario - Nicholas Cage laying out what’s it’s like to be an old white man or maybe a comment on the vagaries of social media, either way it was fairly punishing. Maestro - Bradley Coper was beautiful, but the internet went down halfway, and I have little intention of going back, strangely underwhelmed. Chicken run 2 – maybe I’m not the target audience but the ‘making of’ film was mesmerising. Halfway through the second Reacher series – it does what it does, but it does it well. Killers of the Flower moon was relentlessly oppressive, in an appropriately way – what a story and the ending vaudeville act was chilling for what it says about the events.