Saturday 27 January 2024


Quite possibly the best team building exercise ever - a great day at Kings running a workshop on the synthetic anatomy module. Working through Edward de Bono’s 6 thinking hats we set the task of devising an equation for a successful experiment there was many revelatory moments and simultaneously it enabled the groups to bond, each member sharing their skills and identifying their strengths. I think all courses with or without collaboration could use this idea. After lunch it was off to 3 hours of tattooing - l'm a little sore - the feet were particularly painful but it all looks amazing and as well as placement, where it explores the mechanics of the body the new work has an interesting dialogue with the existing marks - another beautiful job by @jims_skins There is a nice show in Norwich - they do a great job of supporting young practice with a scheme that gives access to free studio space. Liked the work of @alysfineart - lots of possibility in the pieces. Onto screens - Anatomy of a Fall – mesmerizing truths laid out to seduce your prejudice. The Boys in the Boat – initially unsure if this wasn’t a ‘Hallmark’ film – mawkish soundtrack. Next Goal Wins – I wanted it to be funnier. Started True Detective – 2 episodes in and I’m hooked.