Saturday, 27 January 2024


Quite possibly the best team building exercise ever - a great day at Kings running a workshop on the synthetic anatomy module. Working through Edward de Bono’s 6 thinking hats we set the task of devising an equation for a successful experiment there was many revelatory moments and simultaneously it enabled the groups to bond, each member sharing their skills and identifying their strengths. I think all courses with or without collaboration could use this idea. After lunch it was off to 3 hours of tattooing - l'm a little sore - the feet were particularly painful but it all looks amazing and as well as placement, where it explores the mechanics of the body the new work has an interesting dialogue with the existing marks - another beautiful job by @jims_skins There is a nice show in Norwich - they do a great job of supporting young practice with a scheme that gives access to free studio space. Liked the work of @alysfineart - lots of possibility in the pieces. Onto screens - Anatomy of a Fall – mesmerizing truths laid out to seduce your prejudice. The Boys in the Boat – initially unsure if this wasn’t a ‘Hallmark’ film – mawkish soundtrack. Next Goal Wins – I wanted it to be funnier. Started True Detective – 2 episodes in and I’m hooked.

Sunday, 21 January 2024


The 1-minute films are slowly getting edited. Meanwhile - working at Kings - Synthetic Anatomy Day 1 - I think there is some interesting research to be undertaken about iteration around teaching. I think this year’s 1st day was possibility one of our best - clarity of intention was key, we are getting very good at working with students to develop learning criteria. The session was excellent, building a shared understand whilst simultaneously surprising ourselves. There were some interesting conversations which I brought back into my world, both as anecdotes and also into my own practice as a maker. I particularly liked the idea of the wildcard criteria that could be a driver of one’s own iterative process. Interested that what we value is what we decide to measure or is it what we measure is what we decide to value. I loved the idea of a 'good version' of a 'bad' bridge being 'better' than a 'bad version' of a 'good bridge' and the structures themselves were fascinating – on the way home I continued to read 12 bytes - Jeanette Winterson. It's a collection of thoughts whose focus is ai - it was fascinating finding out the way quantum computers (the next generation) work - that quantum bits exist in many places but when observed (measured) they take on a defined form and can be observed only in one! Unsure how that relates but in some way it seems relevant to the conversations that came out of the crits. Onto Screens - The Painter – just...odd. Role Play – I think we’ve been here before.

Sunday, 14 January 2024


Just about to start work on synthetic anatomy – this iteration is going to be better than ever. Barbie Pink! Changing the colour has an interesting effect on the structure of the latest prints. A fascinating morning at Greenwich Maritime Museum – interesting to see how embedded textile activity was in enabling Great Britians colonial history – rigging, sails, uniforms – the usual! The walk into town to White Cube along the Thames was fascinating. Great to meet friends and see for the third time The Gormley Show. Later a surprise birthday party (great fun!!) topped off the day. Onto screens – The Holdover – strangely slow but worth the effort. Infinity Pool – gloriously traumatic, fantastic. Lift – a heist on a plane lacking twists.

Tuesday, 9 January 2024


I’ve been spending time editing some films down or up to 1 minute. The plan is to have a suite of 1-minute films that explore some of the ideas I’ve been working on recently – lab gestures and digital structured spaces. Meanwhile onto screens – in the middle of Dreaming whilst black – funny and ….oh no don’t send the email! The Bricklayer just unnecessary. There are two shows in Norwich at the moment worth checking out - The Stuff of Life | The Life of Stufat the Sainsbury Centre is interesting in terms of human ingenuity and Norwich Castle has Norwich Works: The Industrial Photography of Walter and Rita Nurnberg
which were beautifully lit. There was also a great film from the 50s driving around the streets documenting the past.

Wednesday, 3 January 2024


A time of sorting and ending – attempting to clear out studios and make way. Images of a past that seems a long time ago have resurfaced. And onto the future - slowly enjoying the cache of book presents – The hidden world of everyday design is the book of the great podcast. Atlas of improbable places is such a fascinating book, I’ve been to a couple of the places, but it would provide a fascinating list of destinations. London’s secret tubes makes you want to go one of the underground tube tours.12 Bytes by Jeanette Winterson is a thought-provoking collection of thoughts collected and organised in such a beautifully clever way – excellent. Onto screens – Family Plan – basically it was Nobody lite. Dream Scenario - Nicholas Cage laying out what’s it’s like to be an old white man or maybe a comment on the vagaries of social media, either way it was fairly punishing. Maestro - Bradley Coper was beautiful, but the internet went down halfway, and I have little intention of going back, strangely underwhelmed. Chicken run 2 – maybe I’m not the target audience but the ‘making of’ film was mesmerising. Halfway through the second Reacher series – it does what it does, but it does it well. Killers of the Flower moon was relentlessly oppressive, in an appropriately way – what a story and the ending vaudeville act was chilling for what it says about the events.