just going through the photographs
from Marseille - here are some that will be added to the folder 'covered stuff
in the street'. Last night at Spill saw the museum opening till 11:00 with interesting
interventions but for me the activity that was most engaging was using your
phone as a torch and bringing the stuffed birds to life (Johnnie Morris voices
optional - think 70s Animal Magic) - also saw 3 performances - all linked by
the idea of exploring the fragility of existence. Jade Montserrat's piece
Showing Josephine was relentless in its repetition - Breathe by Alicia Jane
Turner had some beautiful films accompanied by violin and the UK premier of Of
Leonardo Da Vinci had some extraordinary moments where moving image, sound and
movement created new worlds in the mind.
I managed to just touch on the durational works and will see more later
but as ever the Art School felt energised by the activity - can't wait to be
immersed later! https://spillfestival.com/all-events/
if you feel like you want to be changed.