1 day down – 1094 to go for the new cohort of textile design students at nuca - a good day with lots of input and information for them to take in mixed up with interaction with each other. and the construction of the letter that they write to themselves to be given to them 3 years from now just as they start to put together their work for the final show - its a moment to consider why you are on the course, what you want and to construct your own version of success.
working on a Pecha Kucha presentation for the Research into
Practice Unit on the Post Graduate at nuca has thrown up some images from Malta
– working with string to create mass and images within a space – must add this
image to talk about materials and their inherent qualities.
the show at Imago Gallery is now down – a nice link to CAMAC
blog site - http://londondesignfestival.tumblr.com/post/31788106469/camac-design