Tuesday, 12 June 2012


last night I gave an illustrated talk at the Private View of the Level 3 & Level 4 Diploma in Foundation Studies Art, Design & Media at Wensum Lodge in Norwich. http://www.slideshare.net/l.bicknell/presentation-to-wensum-lodge when asked by Nicola Naismith www.nicolanaismith.co.uk  I thought that it would be relevant and interesting to think about the role of art, artists and creativity in society - both for the young people embarking on their lives and the parents and carers who support them. The show is excellent with a wide range of quality work – a wonderful slice of old school art college activity – go and see - http://www.norfolk.gov.uk/Leisure_and_culture/Adult_education/Types_of_courses/Courses_for_learners_16-18/NCC086964
more work on the bookmare for Camberwell has led me to Hans Holbein’s dance of death alphabet http://www.dodedans.com/Eholbeinalf.htm