Sunday, 5 February 2023


I've been playing with the scan created at kings after a synthetic anatomy session - very odd to see a 3D rendering of my head looking back at me. When these become our ID 'card' it will be challenged at first. The 3rd session of synthetic anatomy was all about communication, starting off by exploring symbols and graphic devices within patterns, then illustrating text with shapes and sculptural paper construction, creating creatures which led to families, touching on genetics and finally landscape building, the engagement with the process was all encompassing, developing work that was truly meaningful. Still getting over the group who created a body of work which focused on intergenerational trauma. They created one of the most striking images to come out of a workshop I have given, along with some thoughtful reflection throughout the whole group. Meanwhile onto screens Plane - it was what you expect from an action thriller staring Gerard Butler. Deep into season 2 of Hacks - truly hilarious in a painful way.