Monday, 30 January 2023


The session I ran for synthetic anatomy this week was well received, with an added twist that took into account references to anatomy meant that the bag/body workshop was swimming with metaphor – a good workshop. Here is the ‘paperwork’ for the session.

Aims: The session sets out to -

· expose the students to lateral thinking and creative problem-solving activities.

· encourage the students to consider exploring the space between knowing and not knowing.

· enable the students to work independently, collaboratively and in groups.

· develop the student’s critical reflection skills

· support presentation of ideas through the role of the 'crit'.

· introduce note taking, mapping and documentation of activity to support the e-portfolio.


· The session will be experimental, oblique and may fail, this could be something to aim for and will be celebrated.

· Some of the session will entertain but actually be irrelevant.

· Some of the session will seem irrelevant but may become the key to developing the students’ problem-solving skills.

· Participants may experience confusion but hopefully this will lead to revelation during or after the session.

· There will be no finished work, participants will emerge with many starting points to support the exploration of the creative process, to enable them to address the idea of synthetic anatomy imaginatively.

· Students will engage in several lateral thinking and creative, non-specific, multi-solution problem solving activities.

· Activities to possibly include - folding - mark making - text and image generation - listening - feeling - rules - cutting - sticking - modelling - translation - stitching - storytelling - maths - thinking - looking.

Onto screens – Till – a dauntingly powerful film that will haunt you and two films seemingly made by film students – The Price we pay and Detective Knight: Rogue then there was Tall girl which was what it was and finally not as funny as it should be – Fletch confess