Friday 17 May 2024


Starting to work on a couple of jobs – mainly Firstlight in Lowestoft Noon to Moon ‘Weather Vanes & Cardinal Points’. Research Tory Lies is quite exhausting - Having spent 4 days quite ill in bed, when not actually sleeping with a cold wet towel over my head I’ve drifted in and out through a whole bunch of stuff so - Onto screens – some programs – A Man in Full – tight script with a great soundtrack – it brought Explosion – Eli Paperboy Reed into my life Ghosts – what larks. SWAT – surprisingly its quite possibly the most inclusive and thoughtful program I’ve watched for a long time. The highly supportive characters are constantly asking each other about their feelings, checking in, when not chasing down hardened gun toting criminals! A rewatching of Sicario, the character played by  Benicio del Toro, when asked about what’s going on replies – “You’re asking me how a watch works – for now just keep an eye on the time” - chilling…. Got out to see the latest show from Eastern Angles – an amazing 2 person show but with a cast of over 20-25 characters – isn’t acting extraordinary. Also, at the Cut art centre in Halesworth an exhibition of stunning work by Richard Pinkney. The quality of printmaking is matched by the lively creativity displayed in the work.