Sunday 20 August 2023


Continuing to work on the 3D prints – currently they are ‘spawning’ over a wall in my house – transferring their hanging from a table/plinth context to a wall obviously changes them dramatically. I used to give a presentation around this which culminated in Vogels Net. Which was a paper based on Susan Vogel’s work Vogels Net: Traps as Artworks and Artworks as Traps. The references to the earlier work were basket and vessel now growth, nest/home and fruition come to mind. Many of them are derived from a similar starting point, thus they feel like an exercise in taxonomy. Each one referencing another, looking at them as a whole, connections are made, both within the work but also they give clues as to what to do next. Meanwhile more tattoos have been added. These are a continuation of the ongoing inter generational collaboration, mark-making project I am having with @jims__skins I love the freedom of the thread-like lines alongside the perfect placement – thinking about systems for more that might relate to the 2 ‘elastic band’ ovals I have on my shoulders – created my dropping elastic bands and drawing around their position where they land and then tattooing the shapes. Duchamp has a piece called 3 Standard Stoppages which involving string which when dropped determined the configuration of the work. Onto screens – BBC’s Champion was a hard watch, so much anger.  Sisu was a hard watch, but also so funny. Blackface was a hard watch, but so informative. Painkiller was a hard watch but tells an important story. Not as good as Dopesick. Barbie was not a hard watch it was glorious.