A series of ends within a busy week - work in Saxmundham at Artstation came to a grand culmination with a huge collaborative drawing using systems of play to generate content and then framing, hanging, and then giving the work titles through group work. The end of the 5th year of Synthetic Anatomy at Kings was celebrated by some of the most successful displays so far in the module’s history. As ever the conversations were wide ranging and the addition of textile students from the RCA brought another layer of thinking to the literal table. Highlights include the possible future of modular thinking/making in a design context, specifically within 3D printing, which addresses sustainability, the bespoke and flexible multiple uses. Yet again engaging in workshops and teaching in general brings rewards to one’s own practice, you just have to be alert to them. The idea of using 3D printing to make moulds is something to explore in my own practice. The online course work for Double Elephant was completed with The end of a month of birthday celebrations was completed at Sushi Samba – possibly best sweet ever (maybe, - there was that îles flottantes in Montelimar which was like eating a sweet cloud), or maybe the most bizarre was Zen Garden – a miniature zen garden, with a rake, paired with a sweet sake and then there was the Lychee cooler and of course the view oh yes and the lift!! Onto screens - Mute - an oddly disjointed violent dystopian sci fi film with the lovely Paul Rudd strangely cast - odd.