Thursday, 12 August 2021


The roughly polished poured concrete floor at imprints galerie reminds me of the images created by Charles Wilson in a cloud chamber of charged and uncharged responding to a magnetic field. Similar images were created from the work around the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The current show has examples of the stunningly beautiful/clever work by Doris Erbacher her work really is intriguing, especially the drawings. There is always something about doors in Crest that fascinates. They belong in the category - 'otherness in the everyday'. A feeling or way of being that is something akin to the childlike fascination experienced when one encounters a phenomenon for the first time. Keeping that feeling going is the key to creative thinking and making. I call it ja de vue. In the town the plane trees shed their bark in such a way as to suggest new camo design possibilities. Something to work on later maybe. So much amazing food to think about - from the market stalls on a Saturday that make up a great ‘market lunch’ to the iles flottantes (quite possibly the top sweet ever)!! in my favourite restaurant in Montelimar, unfortunately it wasn't boudin noir 'season' but cayette is always a winner and there is always extraordinary cheese!  The centre des arts had a great show of objects presented by individuals in the community to celebrate the past - so many wonderful pieces but my favourite was a leaflet showing firework explosive patterns. As ever the otherness of a place gives the opportunity to add loads of new images to the ever-expanding file labelled 'odd/interesting pattern and signage'. The great sadness is that the miniature museum in Montelimar is no more – there was an exhibition of puppets from a world famous puppet troop – great if you like that sort of thing but mainly just creepy.