Wednesday 29 January 2020


totally traumatised by watching 1917 - it truly is an extraordinary film - in part due to the glorious cinematography you are with them the whole way watching and feeling each and every tragic decision they have to make - a must see film. 2 Popes was a little dry but solid acting from Hopkins and Price elevated it. I've been invited to speak at Materials Research Exchange 2020 - the line-up and content for the two days is fairly awesome, luckily my job is to talk about how a maker makes sense of working within a 'science' context - something that I do know about.  a day at Camberwell discussing how the final final show can in some way connect to the history of the course, the students are planning something with the Camberwell Book Art collection, working with Rosie Sherwood of Turn The Page. Making connections between their own individual practice and items from both The Camberwell and Chelsea Collection with a view to demonstrating the breadth of opportunity and possibility afforded by the format and concept of the book. the ending of the Book Art course has brought a degree of reflection enabling me to think about what we have been doing on the course alongside the value of the book as a creative tool.  the text for the last catalogue is swirling around my mind - The almost invisible reflective element of teaching enables reinvention, a constant rethinking, the experience of which inevitably feeds back into teaching. The process of creating presentations for seminars is a gathering of current transitory information and weaving it with established historical knowledge to form arguments, new 'truths'. When delivering presentations one cannot anticipate the students input and the subsequent discussion due to their wide ranging subject and cultural reference points. In that moment new hypothesis are born and new thinking established. This is what we did. This is the legacy of the course and the people who came, because it was their time to explore the book. This is the legacy that we created which they took with them...... meanwhile - popped into The British Library to see the new display of Artists Books within the treasures exhibition - really good to see books with Camberwell connections in the case.