Friday, 11 January 2019


working on some shibori - some interesting learning around dye has taken place - the chemistry is fascinating and I feel will become part of some new research - looking forward to exploring cross dying with devore sometime next week. back in the teaching flow(ish) mass tutorials all round as the new terms start and one attempts to support students on the last term of this yea. It's an interesting time to be in education as I am told repeatedly that my role as a tutor teaching on a creative course is worthless in the eyes of a government who appears to be unable to organise itself.  When everything is measured in terms of money maybe we will all go wanting - I'm reminded of Oscar Wilde and the thought of a man knowing the price of everything but the value of nothing. so a collection of really interesting films - for many different reasons - The Wife has a great twisted reveal and Glen Close's face is stunning as she acts all the emotions at once.  Beautiful Boy is a guttingly tragic tale - The drugs are almost a side issue as the film peels back what is it to be a father?  Sorry to Bother You is totally bonkers - as if a sketchbook of ideas have all, yes all, been made into one film. the hate you give is all about rethinking privilege.