Tuesday 29 April 2014


Completed two group tutorial sessions for the Open College of the Arts – an on-line experience which sees me wearing a microphone like early Madonna and I love it. The process is fascinating and the connection with students all over the world is an extension of the work I am involved in at Camberwell. It’s interesting to be part of the future in some way!
The digging, drilling, cutting, shifting part of my life nears its end – the ‘floating’ step is on its way and the new house bit should be completed by Friday.
I have become slightly obsessed with a nonsense bit of Netflicking – to Netfklick – he Netflicked – etc - Person of interest – the graphics are interesting if the plot is often ludicrous, even laughable at times. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1839578/

Its turn the page in Norwich this weekend – it will be interesting to see how it is developing, I had a table and was part of the judging last year – this year I am just a punter. http://turnthepage.org.uk/