An amazing day at Kings College working with the great team that is synthetic anatomy. I think we ran the best workshop so far ever. This led us to ask what are the factors in play in the large general classroom. The lighting has changed and the ceiling has been lowered by a good foot easily. So the question is did the lowering of the ceiling and the change of lighting in the room make the students more focused and creative or did the students bring a more focused approach to the room? Or are we just getting better through experience, both of the actual work and of each other - there is almost a sense of mind-reading happening. As ever transplanting art school - or should I say creative lateral thinking and problem solving into a science context throws up many clashing moments but the friction that is created is the starting point to new understanding. I love it when the workshop participants move from the very practical moving their thinking to start to think philosophically via aesthetics and reflective questioning of the very nature of the set work. Onto SZC - a few books that have informed the work I’ve been doing around diagrams and ways of presenting content in diagrammatic formats. Onto films – Gladiator 2 – great costumes and sets. Breathe in – middle-aged men angst, a man boychild trying to relive their youth! We Live in Time – OMG, if you are looking for a laugh do not go here!