Sunday 11 February 2024


Another great day with synthetic anatomy at Kings - this week was all about recognizing and harnessing graphic communication tools - how do we communicate without words? In 11/2 hours we went from literally nothing to full table displays of environments containing characters with extensive narratives via genetics, translation and family trees. Glorious. Part of the workshop was to pay homage to a work by Donald Rodney - the film is one outcome. Popped into the curve gallery Barbican to revisit Julianknxx exhibition - choras in memory of flight. It is very moving, especially the first film, the character seemingly taken over, their body convulsing. Onto screens - I rewatched Ad Astra - so moving - the attempt at connecting with a father over a huge distance only to let it all go left me a little bereft. Zone of Interest - I was so worn by it - the endless everyday banality of living next to a concentration camp! And the sound track which feels like both background and a leading character - truly disturbing. American Fiction – a slow dark uncomfortable burn, glorious.