'Health and Safety gone mad' - in a field near you - its a track behind my house!!!
At the moment if you happen to be in Crest in the Drome Valley,
France feel free to drop into the Imprints Galerie. https://imprints-galerie.com/Home I
have a work in an exhibition, the show is of the Gommisti editions, small
rubber stamps commissioned by Imprints. https://www.instagram.com/imprints_galerie/
three online student exhibitions I've been part of this year - NUA Textile Design
OCA MA Fine Art https://gallery.oca.ac.uk/
MA Book Arts Camberwell https://www.mavisualarts.com/ma-book-arts/
all worth checking out
onto films The Old Guard - some interesting moments but written as
a graphic novel and it does feel a little like it still is, a little. Palm Springs both suffers and gains
from its source, Groundhog Day, but it gets away with it, just.