oh my god - I am a teacher! - I've realised that I really am
interested in entry points to learning. The last several projects have been
looking at how to access information and how to support people to navigate it
for themselves - the fold within costume
and textiles project, working with robotics in Kings, NanoDTC in Cambridge, and
the latest synthetic anatomy project at Kings. I had this revelation whilst
talking to science teachers at The Making Materials Matter conference today in
the brain storming session, talking about how using icing sugar could be a way
into 3D printing or how listening to a coat hanger gives access sound waves. My
session was about lateral thinking and problem solving - using a couple of
workshops that have developed out of the experience of working in a lab to talking
about the image of science. I think it went down well. Last night was all about
the MA Book Art graduation private view. It was great to celebrate the hard
work and dedication of the students. The work looked great and again there were
so many positive comments. and onto Trump - what to say but just had to be
there to register my position.