Wednesday, 2 November 2016

a great day out in London on Tuesday - the discussions with MA Book Art students from Camberwell around the work in the exhibition at the photographers gallery - radical feminism and then in the permanent treasures Gallery at the British Library were superb - as ever the students brought a range of new understandings to the work and some wonderful concepts/questions/thoughts- the role of fundamentalist typography, tyrannical layout, books that have one purpose - the performance of the book, how display informs understanding - subversive labels - labels as the work  - the list goes on. The exhibition of feminist work is worth a visit and contains a range of work that underpins a lot of the performances that I saw as part of Spill at the weekend - a post moment rethink and the upcoming exhibition around maps at the British Museum is sure to be wonderful and a recommendation. In the evening the talk I gave for the Norfolk Contemporary Craft Society went well, I would like to think, with lots of ideas thrown out and a number given back which will be followed up when I get a moment . As I cycled back to the station (to be subjected to another example of poor service from Abellio) the lights and reflection of the St George building at NUA lifted the spirits. a mention for adultswim - a beautiful web portal. Meanwhile another day at the Maxwell Centre brought fresh revelations -