Tuesday 15 October 2024


A full Saturday – first off For Folks Sake private view at The Cut. A great crowd in a place transformed by wonderfully bloody-minded lighting - glorious. Its always a pleasure to turn out to see Eastern Angles, usually at a village hall somewhere in Suffolk. The Town Council building at Orford was the venue for their latest show - The Deep https://easternangles.co.uk/event/the-deep Monday at Norwich University of the Arts I dopped into a fashion lecture by Jeremy Hutchinson - having access to thinking reminded me why I work in an academic context. A really thoughtful take on the object and its role in the capitalist project we are caught in. Making an object - making meaning - object making - object meaning - the language of the image - the ritual of exorcism - creating something that hovers between object and subject - a person and a thing - shamanifacture - black Friday as a carnival of death - most excellent. Onto screens - The Instigators - slow start but a funning second half. 

Friday 11 October 2024


Found a particularly rare example of an ancient Quran in the Netflix series - S.W.A.T. season 6 episode 18 with a spine opening from right to left! Not suggesting that the series is western centric…..but………..  

Tuesday 8 October 2024


Just finished reading Stuffication - living more with less by James Wallman – the book has some excellent strategies to cope with the capitalist industrial complex! Issues around objects has been a thing for a while. My rethinking started with clothes and has moved into the kitchen. Onto screens – Nobody wants this – kooky and sweet. This time next year – sweet and kooky. 

Friday 27 September 2024


The 3D printed pieces I have been making are slowly being chosen for exhibitions – the work is in blend, a touring show in Nottingham libraries. https://nottsbookarts.art/ In a couple of weeks I have a piece in For Folks Sake, a group show in The Cut Art Centre in Halesworth. Curated by artists Rebecca Riess and Alexander Costello it’s a Suffolk Centric Exhibition celebrating the work of 35 artists; established to unrepresented, from across the county; Lowestoft to Subdury, and everywhere in between. Went out to Southwold Theatre to see Sex and death in Southwold, a play by Robin Brooks – meta irony all round. Meanwhile a day in Yarmouth to see/hear Yarmonics – really enjoyed the gong bath and Ecka Mordecai’s set that was beautifully slight, as if the sound was almost something, on its way to being…and the wonderful drum/text/word madness of Fritz Welch. Onto screens The Perfect Couple – a series where the only likeable characters are the police. Fly me to the moon – sky high politics. Kinds of Kindness – disjointed oddness. The bike riders – great leathers but a film looking for a story. The Union – man out of place.

Tuesday 17 September 2024



So - my dad died..........whilst was re-reading David Sedaris I came across this quote by Saul Bellow, “Losing a parent is something like driving through a plateglass window. You didn't know it was there until it shattered, and then for years to come you're picking up the pieces.” Life goes on – the Summer ‘break’ felt both huge and long and blisteringly short. Closing a life appears to be mostly about being totally sad whilst undertaking a mountain of bureaucracy. A list of activity apart from the death thing - Premadonna festival Some great panels – Bee Rowlatt so good I bought the book - really enjoyed reading One Woman Crime Wave.

Latitude - What to say that hasn't already been said - it's a washed up mainstream commercial venture, trading on past glories, peopled by angry old people decamped on large rungs sitting in folding chairs in front of the main stage, but its down the road and it would feel odd not to turn up. The sad - Duran Duran - The good - Lankum was dark and brooding - The excellent – The Darkness was like a metal tribute band (in a good way) - The most fantastic - Chic with Nile Rodgers was awesome.

6 days in Hamburg - what an easy city to live in - so green with water everywhere - we cycled all weeks on bikes hired from Happy Bikes, the bike lanes are fantastic, although waiting for lights to turn green when there is no traffic is challenging. Art - saw so much, highlights include the show Manual for Survival at Deichtor Hallen, an amazing exhibition that asks deeply searching questions about where we are today. Had to buy the catalogue. Museums - after the art, the lens you look at stuff is in relationship to issues around waste, the environmental impact of humans and displaced energy. I loved the whole of the Museum Der Arbeit, the museum of work, fantastic exhibits which are obviously still used, especially the print room. Hamburger Kunsthalle has a beautiful installation based on Casper David Friedrich, whose work is also on display. Also got to see Serra's measurement of time/seeing is believing. The Spiegel canteen in the MK is gloriously trippy. MARKK is a glorious space, and it has a 'take no prisoners' approach to the truth. A show about lithium mining, relating this to salt Peter mining, a show about Benin bronzes the museum is repatriating, erotization of The Tirol region, alongside displays which celebrate Korean culture, including a yurt, a Maori meeting building and some of the oddest masks ever. The Maritime Museum down by the truly extraordinary harbour buildings has a whole floor of mini models of boats which will blow your mind, remember for each model there is at least one full sized example out there. The odd - you must go to mini world, it will disturb and engage in equal measure, sometimes at the same time. The silencing - a visit to Neuengamme, a WW2 work camp, built to make bricks for the German war effort was so insightful. From the individual, personal stories to the disturbing diagrams. It led to an overpowering understanding of the extensive bureaucratic systems set up by the Germans to control and destroy a culture, something akin to our role in Colonialism. This was especially pertinent as race riots were going on in England at the same time, no learning seems to have taken place. The space enabled my ability to reflect on the concept of a 'war effort' for all sides.

The show at Solid Haus was interesting – each year the work chosen is thoughtful and the people nice. Highlight was rewatching The Girl Chewing Gum, 1976 by John Smith, wonderful and laugh out loud Tom, 2007 by Jack Strange. Summer meals outside with old friends has been a wonderfully supportive activity and we have had some lovely days and evening (we did have some good weather. 

Tattoos have been a physical marking of the metal turmoil. I have some new ones and existing lines have been joined up in a very symbolic recognition. Thanks again to @jim_skins for the skilful, understanding and care. 

A weak(ish) in Croatia for a wedding gave respite and acted as a bookend to the Summer. Whilst there we checked out a bay where all the huge hotels were destroyed and abandoned. It was odd to be in these spaces of pleasure, I felt that I understood the activities that took place here, unlike say a castle. I have walked in these types of spaces, and it was truly disturbing to see them in such a state. The wedding was a Bosnian/English affair with great/odd music and fantastic conversations – I loved the photographer’s choreography at the ceremony.  

It was nice to be invited by Rebecca Riess and Alexander Costello to be part of For Folk Sake https://thecut.org.uk/events/for-folks-sake-2/ and a spending afternoon was spent talking art whilst choices were made.

Sunday 14 July 2024


Being part of the team working on the Dev Neuro Academy Summer school @kings last week was amazing, so much learning in such a brilliant space with thoughtful, creative people, including the highly motivated students. A real pleasure but also an opportunity for continued professional development, observing alternative ways of teaching. So much learning, it was wonderful to be valued as an educator and to learn from students, experiences that are rare. Meanwhile Synthetic Anatomy has won another award. It’s great that what we do has been recognised.
Onto screens – Roadhouse – slick and strangely funny throughout the endless fighting scenes. Kin – season 2 dealing in drugs will end badly!


Wow - 3 days working at Kings on the Development Neuro Academy Summer school. I ran a couple of workshops on day 1, exploring how to navigate the tricky issue of team building through DNA, and developing ways of communicating abstract concepts through anatomical models. It's a true pleasure working with such fantastic, thoughtful people. Day 2 was awesome, I was part of two workshops - one looking at data analysis of brain cells and thinking about how we read information and the other, exploring how cells in the brain come to exist and change by hypothetically building one in a dish! Really enjoyed the mental gymnastics. It allowed me to reflect on and rethink some current work and led to revelations on how to develop my own practice. I was able to bring to the table ideas of ethics and practical concerns about bias and prejudice. Superb discussions ensued. It was wonderful to be valued as an educator and to learn from students, experiences that are rare. I wasn't able to attend the whole week due to having to attend graduation and working on timetables for next year at Norwich. But I was straight back for the celebration and sharing on Friday after a day of admin on Thursday. The whole day was an extraordinary experience. The focused energy of the enquiring students was so infectious and a real pleasure and privilege to be part of. The film is made up of one of the outcomes from day one. The brightly coloured models come from my DNA workshop, building self-similar sets. Saturday was all about exhibitions - dropped into South London gallery to see Firelei Báez’s Sueño de la Madrugada (A Midnight’s Dream) - there is some interesting works on 'found' papers and a large installation. Sid and Jim had a couple of great works in Hot in Here at The Bomb Factory. I particularly loved we're still everything we always were. The work was both funny and poignant - a sculpture of a melted ice sculpture, in theory created by their childhood selves imagining what they would look like as adults - a great idea.